
Owen Bergstein,常驻拼图大师

对于美国航空公司26岁的大二学生欧文·伯格斯坦来说,填字游戏是一种生活方式. Always an avid 谜题r – like many bbin娱乐平台ers – Owen does the New York Times 填字游戏 every day and estimates that he’s solved close to 1,自从在bbin娱乐平台工作以来,我已经完成了5000个谜题. 但是大约两年前, Owen took the leap from solver to creator and began to teach himself how to design his own 谜题s. 利用在线和面对面的纵横字谜构建者的网络, 欧文找到了导师和指导, 并开始完善他的谜题构建技术.  反思他的过程, 欧文说:“我一开始是在纸上画铅笔, 但很快我就了解到有专业人士使用的有用软件. 每个填字游戏要么有主题,要么没有主题. 主题谜题, 你建立一个主题, 通常是基于所谓的“揭示器”,这个网格中的答案解释了其他答案中的技巧. 然后你... 更多的

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我刚从旧金山回来,和李先生一起拜访了英航的校友. 石头. Over two days, we caught up with several dozen bbin娱乐平台 graduates ranging from the class of 1997 to 2018. 这次旅行让我确信了一些事情, aside from the fact that I am perhaps getting too old to function well after a red-eye flight. 一是我们的校友在他们的职业生涯中做着非凡而有意义的事情, with a focus on technology given the location: launching a medical-technology company as part of the current Y Combinator startup accelerator cohort; pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence in education; investing in next-generation cancer therapeutics; developing LiDAR systems for use in self-driving cars. 他们不仅表达了自己的激情, 而且他们的工作将会对社会产生更好的影响. 这让我对未来充满了希望. 另一个原因是... 更多的


周二, January 23, members of the bbin娱乐平台 Transit Club were accompanied by chaperones Mr. 赛斯和夫人. Kelly on an exciting visit to the State House to enjoy a tour of the Senate and House chambers, as well as take part in an engaging and helpful discussion with State Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico about local public transportation concerns. 参议员DiDomenico, 代表剑桥的各个城市, 查尔斯顿, 切尔西, 和埃弗雷特, 无意中听到许多关于优先预算的担忧和建议, 可靠性, 未来的计划. 参议员对交通俱乐部成员的知识渊博印象深刻, and encouraged all students to reach out to local representatives engaged in pushing 交通 infrastructure legislation; he hopes to include some of bbin娱乐平台 students’ suggestions in his upcoming 交通 legislation.

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当我最近走在大厅里的时候, I passed a classroom during a free period where about a dozen students were looking up at a 纵横字谜游戏 projected on the screen. I popped in – I love 填字游戏s too much to just walk by – and quickly discovered that I was in a new world. 学生们正在做一个神秘的填字游戏, 每条线索都是一个谜题——谜题中的谜题. The whole room erupted when somebody got an answer; I didn’t contribute much, 但和他们一起尝试很有趣. 那天放学后, 我遇到四个孩子并排在两个棋盘上下棋, 还有几个学生和一个老师在旁边看着. 他们解释说他们在玩一种叫疯人院象棋的东西, 一种二对二的游戏,棋子被... 更多的

27岁的Dora Mou赢得纽约时报征文比赛

九年级学生Dora Mou '27的作文, 我的两种原始冲动," was selected as one of 15 winners of the New York Times' 2nd annual Teen Tiny Memoirs contest. Teen Tiny Memoirs are 100-word narratives by teenagers about meaningful moments in their lives. 点击这里阅读朵拉的获奖文章. 恭喜你,朵拉,恭喜你精彩的论文和不可思议的成就!

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bbin娱乐平台 senior Robbie Mulroy's thesis project has the potential to impact the future of 癌症研究. 他的毕业论文, Robbie '24 is investigating the role of the CREB binding protein (CBP) in cancer under the guidance of BU Biology Professor Dr. 特雷弗·西格斯以及北澳大学生物教师. 科琳·克里瓦切克,巧合的是她恰好是这方面的专家. CBP是一种与转录因子结合的辅因子, 反过来与DNA结合来调节基因何时表达. CREB结合蛋白调节约10,000 different genes; Robbie has been studying where and when CBP’s five binding regions bind to various transcription factors.  受他在波士顿大学生物课程的启发, Robbie was motivated to better understand the inner workings of the human body on a genetic level, and to investigate CBP’s effect on the immune system and the relationship between CBP and tumor development. 在春天... 更多的

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本周, 伊利亚斯·本莫克兰24年的客座专栏, bbin娱乐平台运输俱乐部的创始人和领导者, 出现在Mass Streetsblog上. 该专栏回顾了俱乐部的标志性的过境比赛, shares why it's important for students to be educated on the 公共交通 resources available to them, 并建议改善优先(有很多)!). The goals of the bbin娱乐平台 Transit Club include "instructing new students on how to use the Transit app to navigate through the city; discussing the history of transportation; and drafting proposals regarding safer and more convenient transportation to local agencies." The group even puts out a weekly newsletter with helpful information on 交通 closures and alternate routes! 祝贺伊利亚斯和过境俱乐部出版了他们的第一个专栏. 点击这里阅读全文.


波士顿大学学院 is proud to share our first foray into the world of 播客ing!  The 揭秘私立学校 Podcast debunks common misconceptions about 私立学校 – for example, 私立学校没有多样性, and that only the wealthy can afford an independent school education – and shares why 私立学校 are more affordable than many families think. 在播客上, education experts from bbin娱乐平台’s peer and feeder schools and our very own 校长 Chris Kolovos and Associate 校长 for Enrollment and Institutional Advancement Nastaran Hakimi discuss the value of an independent school education and why financial assistance is within reach of middle class families.  在第一集, independent school leaders across the country  discuss the value proposition of 私立学校; in the second episode, 金融援助 experts explain why broad socioeconomic diversity is in every independent school's best interest, 并提供建议和技巧... 更多的

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Zach Daniel ' 25在材料研究学会会议上发表论文

周二, 11月28日, bbin娱乐平台 junior Zach Daniel '25 presented a paper entitled "Potential Applications of Electrically Conductive Concrete" at the Materials Research Society's conference at the Hynes Convention Center. 扎克的研究, 这是他和其他三名来自当地学校的学生合作完成的, 探索为除冰道路导电的特殊混凝土, 控制表面温度, 将热量转化为能量. 扎克也这么认为, 为这个项目做实验, “我们用碳纤维等材料制作了混凝土样品, 铁粉, 还有钢丝绒. 结果表明,5%的铁粉和15%的钢丝绒效果较好, 但过量的铁粉使混凝土变得脆弱.We also looked at adding materials that change from solid to liquid (PCM) to control temperature. 研究发现,PCM延迟了加热过程中的温度升高. 另外, we tried generating electricity from the heat in the concrete using a method called the Seebeck Effect. 结果显示... 更多的

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凯特琳·谭' 26赢得荣誉在青少年击剑世界杯

26岁的凯特琳·谭最近第一次参加了在利马举行的青少年世界杯击剑比赛, 秘鲁, earning 6th place in the Cadet Foil event as the youngest amongst the top eight finishers. The Junior’s World Cup is a competition for women’s fencers who are 19 years old and younger. 上周, 她还参加了在德国举行的另一场国际军校学员比赛, 在236名17岁及以下的国际击剑选手中获得铜牌. 凯特琳,为这些不可思议的成就喝彩! 

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